What is a solar development?

Depending on its particular function, a solar development may take the form of a farm, a business facility, a shared community project, or other model. It is essentially a large site that carries a grid of photovoltaic (PV) or solar cells, and thin film solar panels, with the purpose of generating power. This power is then used as electricity for commercial and industrial needs or fed into an existing power grid, providing clean and affordable energy to communities.

Why would a community choose to team up with solar?

It's a great way for communities to practice clean energy programs while saving money and sharing in the process of doing so. We are also finding more and more city government facilities, medical parks and other large campuses taking advantage of the beneficial aspects of solar power, as well as the "empowerment" that comes from working together for the common good. Tax advantages are always another draw toward pursuing solar, and communities and businesses continually to look for cost-effective goals.

How do I know if my property would be suitable for solar development?

The ideal property for consideration as a solar farm development would consist of significant acreage - 500 to 2,000 acres. Reasonably close proximity to a substation that can handle the required capacity  is also a necessity. With these needs addressed, we would then assess the property for topography compatibility, as well as consider any existing or previous use of the land, as far as wildlife or agriculture in concerned. See the Landowners Benefit from Solar section for detailed information.

Do solar panels emit dangerous electric and magnetic fields?

While there is some EMF activity present as a result of generated electricity traveling from a solar panel to its inverter, the extensive research conducted over several decades has revealed no dangerous or harmful effects from it. That exploratory continues today, with ongoing, health-conscious research delving into the question of EMF effects on the human cellular and molecular systems.

How does photovoltaic (PV) make electricity?

The word photovoltaic means that sunlight is being converted into electricity. A solar panel is made up of PV cells that function by allowing photons of light from the sun to do the work of separating electrons from atoms, thereby generating a flow of electricity. As this action is underway, tightly bound structures of silicon atoms within the PV cells start an amazing process of creating an electrical imbalance that ultimately gathers the PV electrons into open spaces created by silicon's positively and negatively charged "spare" electrons. Because silicon is a semiconductor, it can act like an insulator, maintaining this imbalance. As the photons continue to separate out electrons from the atoms, the process creates a continuous, seamless flow of electric current. Most PV cells have a long lifespan, even forty or more years, so this process can go without interruption for a very long time.

Will a solar development lower my property value?

Solar farms do not create any issues that could impact property values. Because they don't give off emissions, they are considered to be safe and clean investments. Because they are quiet, they do not result in any problems with surrounding areas. Some states even offer a tax exemption for properties with renewable energy systems, which includes solar systems. In this case, a solar development would actually add to the overall value of the property.

What happens when the land lease is up?

There is always a decommissioning plan in place when beginning a new solar development. At the end of the lease term, and if no new utility contract can be negotiated, all structures and equipment are carefully removed by our company. This process is completed in a manner that will leave the land unaffected by our use, and available again for the same purposes for which it was originally used. Because of the seeding and planting we do in conjunction with setting up the solar farm, in many cases, the land is left in better condition at the lease's end.